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During these times of Covid19 we feel it is important to follow the proper safety protocols.  There is a lot of information surrounding the pandemic and it's guidelines. Here at GreyNickel Inc, we adhere to the CDC directives. This is to ensure the well being of our Families and Staff.

How to Protect Yourself & Others

To obtain services in person, you will need to agree to take certain precautions which will help keep everyone (you, our staff and our families) safer from exposure. If you do not or can not adhere to these safeguards, it may result in our meetings being held via Telephone or a Zoom meeting. 

Kinship/Resource Support Meeting

First Wednesday monthly 10a-12p

During these time we need to get together any way possible to stay connected and supported. Join the meeting and check in.

You can join by computer or phone.

GreyNickel inc. is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Please send an email to

to RSVP!!!

1 )  You will only keep your in-person appointment if you and members of your family are symptom free.
2) You will wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when we meet for our visit.
3) You will wear a mask during our visit (I [and my staff] will too).
4) You will keep a safe distance and there will be no physical contact with our staff.
5) You will ensure children follow all of these sanitation and distancing protocols.
6) If a resident of your home tests positive for the infection, you will immediately let our staff know and we will then begin visits via Telephone or a Zoom meeting.
7) You attest, to the best of your knowledge, you nor your family members have been in close proximity to any individual who tested positive for COVID-19.

No upcoming events at the moment
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