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GreyNickel Inc. is a Supporter of Kinship Families. We strive to give support to families that are struggling to survive when all is falling down around them. We inform, instruct, educate and find resources that can help the family. GreyNickel Inc. has programs and community resources that will help guide and navigate the family through the systems. 


Would you consider helping GreyNickel Inc. in supporting Kinship Families in need?

 Operating Expenses (office supplies, printing, etc.)

 Program Support (clothing, food, workshops etc.)

Any gift, one-time or monthly, of any amount is greatly appreciated

Donations are taxed deductible, please check with your tax preparer.


Donation are accepted under the 501(c)3 nonprofit of GreyNickel Inc.
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We would like to Acknowledge and Thank the following Partners and Supporters!!


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Continued Supporters

Gentry and Victoria Gray
Judge Maurice Portley
Vincent and Ericka Nicholes
Vaughn Nicholes
Cecelia Crawley

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